Friday, August 9, 2013

August 9

Her Perspective.....Mark Raven & Other Observations!

Coming home from dinner a few nights ago, we stopped at the Mark Raven shop. We 'discovered' this Amsterdam artist several years ago at his Musseumplein kiosk. Over the years we have bought T & sweatshirts with his art work. Jill bought prints that are hanging in her dining room. His art just speaks to us. It is somewhat modern which is not our style.,,or maybe it is because i love his work.
We always visit his shops. Sometimes to buy, sometimes to look. On this occasion, Bob wanted a new tshirt. It turns out this was a good night to visit the shop. The artist himself, none other than Mark Raven was working. 

After some mumbles between us, Bob finally asked if he was in fact Mark Raven. How fun to meet someone whose work we have long admired! We spoke some more & enjoyed hearing about his progression from street artist to shop owner over the years. A quick picture & a promise to write a Trip Advisor review (done) ended our visit.

When we headed to Denmark a few weeks ago, home was happily left behind. And for a few weeks, checking in with my peeps sustained me quite well. 
I started thinking about my Grandparents. How did they do it traveling for months at a time with just occasional letters to & from home? Different world certainly! 

We find ourselves almost always attached. Have you checked in? Is there wifi here? Did you see the NYT article on...? Do you have email from the kids? Anything on your mother? How's the weather at home? What time is it at home....too early to FaceTime? Can we Skype now?
I would not have it any other way. 
But suddenly it is just time to go home. Back to our world. And I feel that time getting closer. I will certainly be ready to go next week.
Until then, there are places to go, people to see. 

It is a cool, windy but sunny day here. And it is also 1:30 in the afternoon....and we have not left the apartment. Too cozy with our reading material, music, breeze blowing through the open window & nice conversation back & forth. The plan for today was Utrecht .... Maybe next week instead.

Big week end ahead. IVM market tomorrow followed by brunch. A walk to Leidseplein & Musseumplein has been proposed. We'll see if it pans out. Sunday is the Spui Straat art market. 

For now....maybe a nap!