Saturday, August 3, 2013

Her Perspective .... A Love Letter

Dear Amsterdam,

It has only been 4-1/2 months since we last spent time together. And for us, it has been a very busy time. Spring planting, family visiting, birthday celebrations, even a big swimming hole put into the backyard. But while life was going on, you were always on our minds.

Simply put, you have done something to us over the past several years. We can never get enough of you. US - the ones with the BUCKET LIST .... of travel destinations so long they could never fit in one lifetime. And yet, we still want to come back. Have to come back. Over and over. 
We do not want to live here permanently. Home is home. And when it is time to go, we are always more than ready. Sometimes even a day or two early. Our people are there, our life is there. But while we are here, we love living in this city.. We say over & over, 'What is it about this city?'. 
This city that is so small & easy to navigate that we find ourselves just out wandering for hours. There is always a street show, a market, something to amuse us. 
Whatever it is, you continue to charm us & we continue to come back. And will, for as long as possible.
We love Amsterdam - One of the greatest cities in the world!